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Yoni Egg Neprihte Jade
Yoni Egg Neprihte Jade
Yoni Egg Neprihte Jade
Yoni Egg Neprihte Jade
SFr. 59.90

Yoni Egg Neprihte Jade

Jade is known as “The Stone of Wealth” and plays an important role in almost every culture in the world. The color of the jadeite shows green in all tones, nuances and intensities. It has strong vibrational energies and helps open the heart chakra.
Jade symbolizes the five main virtues: wisdom, justice, modesty, mercy & courage and brings healing, love, prosperity and serenity into life.
Nephrite Jade is a stone that gives its wearer joy of life, joy and open-mindedness on the one hand and communicates with the heart chakra. It helps to establish a connection to the heart and your passion and thus to balance the energy balance.
This healing stone promotes mental agility, strengthens courage and personality and can also solve fears and anxieties.
The jade stone is a natural product and therefore often traversed by veins, spots and stripes, which is not considered a flaw. Some of these special patterns are even considered to be particularly valuable.
Not sure which size to choose?
Here are a few tips
Please note: All of Yoni Eggs come with a Yoni Egg String (cord).

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