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the stories is an official agent of OVO Things, Machete and Courtney + the babes in Switzerland


OVO Things


OVO Things
 creates high-quality products for home and people that say a lot with a little. They see themselves as everyday luxury, that is understated yet purposeful.

“As everything is at OVO, we take inspiration from an egg and call our goods OVO Things.

These are the perfected staples, the classics of apparel and home: the white shirt, the cashmere scarf, linen bedding or beeswax candles. We add new things slowly and focus on quality over quantity.

Our products are made from the finest natural fibers and materials like cotton, cashmere, linen and beeswax. Every piece we design is produced in small quantities in Lithuania by skilled local manufacturers and tailors.” - Vida, Guoda and Justė


Machete Jewelry is handmade in Atlanta, France, Italy & other small studios around the globe. They use only carefully selected, eco-friendly materials when creating their pieces. Due to the high quality and natural sourcing of these pieces, each pattern is unique and may vary. All of their metals are comprised of recycled brass & ethically sourced silver & gold.

Jennifer J Matchett, Founder, Designer and Creative Director of MACHETE, graduated with a degree in Art History from Gainesville, Florida. Inspired by her collections of antique and vintage jewelry, she began creating pieces out of vintage Italian acetate.

Jennifer quickly became widely known for her Tortoise acetate disc earrings and was profiled with Vogue in 2017. She currently works alongside her husband Cale, along with their small team in Atlanta, Georgia.


Courtney + babes products are made by hand with love with ethically sourced and organic products in small batches by Courtney in her studio in Melbourne.

Courtney created C+B in 2014. It began as an online store for her art and occasionally sharing her essential oil knowledge on the C+B blog. Spreading the essential oil love lead to offering her handmade Roller Blends for emotional and physical support, and not far behind followed the creation of Cleanse - the crystal, aura and home purifying mist. The C+B range has grown over the years and now includes several new mists and many other products made with natural and organic ingredients.

Being able to combine pure essential oils, natural ingredients and crystals has allowed Courtney to help others form a natural environment within their bodies and homes.


  Would you like to learn more or carry OVO Things, Machete or C + B?
Contact us at hello@thestories.ch


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