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petite rituals
Petite Rituals
Petite Rituals
Petite Rituals
Petite Rituals
SFr. 39.00

Petite Rituals

A perfect gift set for Mother's Day! Let her unwind with a soak, face mask, and steam.
1  Bath Soak in Compostable* bag with Himalayan Pink Salt, Epsom Salt & Lavender Essential Oil
1 Face Mask packaged in Compostable* bag with Rose (Kaolin) Clay, Colloidal    Oatmeal, Lavender Flower, Rose Hips 1  Natural Birchwood Mask Applicator
1 Moisturizing Facial Steam packaged in a Compostable* bag with Rose Petals, Eucalyptus, c/s Comfrey leaf, c/s Marshmallow leaf, c/s Chamomile, Marigold (Calendula Officinalis)

How to Enjoy: 
Bath: Reflect & bring awareness to your surroundings. In a bath, dissolve in warm water. 
Mask: Mix mask with 1/2 tsp at a tome of carrier (water/oil) until you reach desired consistency.

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