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Palo Santo Bundle
Palo Santo Bundle
Palo Santo Bundle
SFr. 14.00

Palo Santo Bundle

We love burning Palo Santo as part of our wellness rituals and we’re excited to bring you our own branded version from sun + her, bound with linen cutoffs from our collections which we’ve dyed with natural plant and vegetable materials in our studio. 100% natural and sustainably harvested in Ecuador, this sacred “holy wood” has been used for centuries as an ancient remedy for spiritual rituals and overall wellness.
Simply light the wood stick at one end with an open flame and let the smoke rise. Breathe in the sacred smoke and let is burn away your troubles and negative energies.
Palo Santo Benefits:
Helps Relieve Stress
Cleanses Your Space
Aromatic Aroma
Resets Energy Levels
Uplifting and Calming
- Includes: 5 sticks 10cm long
- Origin: Ecuador

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