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Organic Cotton Pouch "My Lashes" Big
SFr. 32.00

SFr. 45.00

Organic Cotton Pouch "My Lashes" Big

The Organic Cotton canvas pouch with a soft print can be used as a travel pouch as well as a clutch. It is a great home for all the important things you carry around. It keeps them tidy and easy to find in the vast expanse of your hand- and travelbag. Everything from beauty products, to hair ties or your new lipstick - anything you don't want left loose in your bag - is well looked after in this handprinted beauty.

Designed with ♥ in Switzerland

Shop our entire Lili Pepper collection HERE

Each pouch is uniquely made by hand and available in two sizes.

- Size: 24.5 x 18 x 6
- Material: 100% Organic Cotton with hand print and hand embroidery.

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