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Keychain Band (no carabiner) - FATIMA MINI - Shell
Keychain Band (no carabiner) - FATIMA MINI - Shell
SFr. 29.00

Keychain Band (no carabiner) - FATIMA MINI - Shell



 FATIMA is the name of the women who sews all keychains.

These keychains are made out of moroccan ribbons called sfifa. Originally they are used for decorating traditional kaftans.

Developing from ‘sabra’ to ‘sfifa’ the threads are transformed step by step into keychains. The threads are braided into ribbons on the outskirts of marrakesh using an antique machine.

- Material: rayon (natural fiber)
- Color: pastell salmon and ecru
- Size: approx. 17.5 when doubled
- Produced by Zahra from the women’s association Al Kawtar in Marrakesh
- Each keychain can be assembled individually, using different links and pendants
- Part of the profit from each key chain is donated to Al Kawtar.



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