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Crew Tee Isla Almond Green
Crew Tee Isla Almond Green
Crew Tee Isla Almond Green
Crew Tee Isla Almond Green
SFr. 39.00

SFr. 65.00

Crew Tee Isla Almond Green


Jungle Folk loves to create timeless clothing, made of natural & durable high-quality materials, such as the unique Pima cotton from Peru. The Isla Top is a classic basic that should belong in any woman’s wardrobe. The jersey fabric is light and durable. The shirt has straight cut and capped sleeves that fit pleasantly over the shoulders.
The fabric is made of 100% organic cotton (GOTS & Fair Trade) by Bergman & Rivera, Peru.

- Material: 100% GOTS certified organic cotton jersey from Peru

Shop more from Jungle Folk HERE. 

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