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Beeswax Food Wrap Cosmic Vibes | the stories x gaia
SFr. 14.00

Beeswax Food Wrap Cosmic Vibes | the stories x gaia


A new collaboration to better mama earth is here...we teamed up with Gaia to make the Cosmic Vibes re-usable beeswax food wrap. Say goodbye to foils and plastics and use this instead <3

Gaia is based in Hamburg and is an innovative + creative company looking to create and improve everyday items in the most sustainable way possible (and most of all to reduce the plastic on our earth. 

Shop more from gaia.

- Material: 100% Organic Cotton
- Size: 30 x 30 cm


Wipe or rinse the gaia wrap with cold water.
Pat dry or air dry.
Don't expose your beeswax wrap to too much heat or cover hot food with it. Otherwise the beeswax will melt.
If there are tears in the cloth, place the gaia wrap on wax-proof paper in the oven at approx. 80°C for a few minutes. Then let it cool down.
Do not clean with hot water.
Do not pack raw meat or fish.
How the product is handled and cared for determines its lifespan.
Be careful and take care of your beeswax wrap after each use.
The hands can be a little sticky after use due to the beeswax, which is basically not a problem.

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