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Bookmark Nimdiki Stone Tassels - Carnelian
Bookmark Nimdiki Stone Tassels - Carnelian
SFr. 24.00

Bookmark Nimdiki Stone Tassels - Carnelian


The bookmark Nimdiki with the Sherpa meaning of "sunny sunday" shall be a reminder to take time for yourself, to breathe, relax, read and be present in the moment. This handcrafted bookmark is lovingly created using real gemstones. 

- Crystal: Carnelian is said to restore vitality and motivation as well as stimulating creativity. it gives courage and promotes positive life choices. it also calms anger and banishes emotional negativity. 
- Made by: Nimdiki and the women's association in Kathmandu
- Size: approx. 31cm 
- Material: cord, brass and moonstone beads, carnelian stones

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