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Bookmark NIMDIKI Stone Tassels - Smokey Quartz
Bookmark NIMDIKI Stone Tassels - Smokey Quartz
Bookmark NIMDIKI Stone Tassels - Smokey Quartz
SFr. 24.00

Bookmark NIMDIKI Stone Tassels - Smokey Quartz


The bookmark Nimdiki with the sherpa meaning of "sunny Sunday" shall be a reminder to take time for yourself, to breathe, relax, read and be present in the moment. This handcrafted bookmark is lovingly created using real gemstones. Stringed bead by bead in Kathmandu by  a women's association and attached on a silk printed handmade rice paper.

crystal: smoky quartz is a grounding stone. it has a calming and supporting effect but also raises your physical and mental capacity in stressful times. in situations of high responsibilities it brings clearness to your mind and strengthens your memory and willpower.

- Crystal: Smokey Quartz
- Color: Dark brown cord, gold beads, dark brown stone
- Made by: Nimdiki and the women's association in Kathmandu
- Size: approx. 31cm 

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