White Sage w/ Flowers
White Sage w/ Flowers
White Sage w/ Flowers
SFr. 12.00

White Sage w/ Flowers

Another sacred smoke that we love to burn as part of our wellness rituals is White Sage. Bound with linen cutoffs from our clothing collection, this organic White Sage is 100% natural and sustainably harvested in the southern California desert. Indigenous cultures have been known to burn White Sage for centuries as a spiritual ritual in ceremonies. This bundle is complimented with dried purple and white Sinuata flowers. This flower is known for attracting good energy and often used as a companion for rituals and ceremonies for it’s beneficial characteristics.
Simply light the bundle at one end with an open flame and let the smoke rise. Breathe in the sacred smoke and let is heal and cleanse your spirit.
White Sage Benefits:
Removes Bacteria from the Air
Cleanses Your Space
Aromatic Aroma
Mood Lifting
Repels Insects
Reduces Anxiety

- Includes: 1 organic White Sage bundle 10cm long
- Origin: California, U.S.A

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