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Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium
SFr. 118.00

Almond Gingham Tablecloth Medium

Create a warm and inviting table with The Almond Linen Collection - a collaboration between sun + her and Home and Fleur.

Whether you’re hosting a special gathering or enjoying a weekday breakfast, we hope our new collection makes everyday feel like a special occasion. An elegant and timeless choice, the tablecloth, napkins and placemats are handmade with 100% linen and love.

View the complete collection here.

- Material: 100% linen 
- Size: 140 x 230 cm
- Handmade in our small studio in Lithuania

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