The Lissome

THE LISSOME is an award-winning independent magazine envisioning holistic (fashion) futures, by bringing forward a culture of regeneration, compassion and cooperation and placing human and non-human wellbeing first. The magazine provides a nourishing space for conversations and contemplation within the interdisciplinary framework of design (ranging from fashion, arts and crafts, architecture, farming, ecology and Indigenous wisdom).

With its headquarters in Berlin, it is created in collaboration with writers, photographers and artists from around the world and published annually by THE LISSOME non-profit organization. THE LISSOME is designed by Lissome Studio, a creative practice known for its thoughtful and refined approach to creative direction, print media, photography and branding.

Naming the magazine after the 18th-century word “lissome” meaning “gentle, calm, gracious, kind”, they set out to tell our stories in a gentle and joyful way, by means of beauty, manifesting the energy they would like to see in the world. They believe that beauty nourishes and guides our souls by connecting us to the ultimate mystery and sacredness of life, and the wonder of being alive.

Lissome Magazine

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