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Aluminium Candle Holder
Aluminium Candle Holder
Aluminium Candle Holder
Aluminium Candle Holder
Aluminium Candle Holder
SFr. 65.00

Aluminium Candle Holder


Turned in a small workshop this item is a metal version of our Oak Candle Holder, complementing the range of OVO Things' candle stick holders. 

Aluminum Candle Holder makes a great contrast to warm and soft nature of beeswax or table linens. Play this theme while setting a table or any corner of your preloved collectibles at home. 

- Measurements: Height 5 cm, base diameter 5,5 cm, hole diameter 0,55 cm
- Fit: Fits any candles of thin kind by OVO Things - Christmas, Slim, Birthday or Mini Birthday Candles. 

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