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Terra Gemma

Isabelle and Melissa are two Swiss-Scottish sisters who are passionate about beautiful, quality jewelry. Their passion comes from their Scottish grandfather, who was a jeweller in Gartmore, Scotland. He was known for his carefully selected high quality jewelry from precious stones, gold, silver and diamonds. 
Currently living in Switzerland, Isabelle and Melissa are carrying on his legacy as they search for the best jewelry mixing bohemian, chic and minimalist styles adorned with semi-precious stones and filled with protective virtues - while at the same time trying to be affordable for us as possible. 
Read our interview w/ the founders HERE
Jewelry Information: Long-lasting 18-Karat gold plating with a thickness of 3 microns for all earrings and gold medallions. All chains are gold filled (gold filled contains minimum 5% of gold and does not tarnish in time nor under water)

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