Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *


“I don’t see the craft as something outside of me. My work is a part of me and all my emotions are transferred into it. It is me,” says Tea Radić. She had an affinity for art from an early age, and started her brand, Terra, after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts as a sculptor. The first object she ever made under the name Terra was a mug with a distinctive handle shape, made using the technique of pinching. This soon became her trademark.
“Working with ceramics requires a lot of patience, time and knowledge, and each new piece is a challenge, but also a reward,” says Tea. Besides sculpting and producing small functional ceramic objects, mostly for the home, she regularly gives pottery workshops.

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