Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *

sun + her

sun + her is a slow fashion love story.

Inspired by light, the power of our femininity, the sand beneath our toes and the feeling of linen on our skin, we create timeless and seasonless clothing, loungewear, jewelry and accessories that are made to make you feel light and free.

Sustainability, slow-living, slow-fashion and the constant pursuit of learning how to be as eco-friendly as possible are values at the core of our brand mission. Our materials are carefully selected in person and each item is handmade to last in our small Lithuanian studio by Urte. We want to be as environmentally friendly as possible and are constantly learning and improving our process at every level of our supply chain as well as in our daily lives, together with you.

sun + her is based in Luzern and Lithuania. We are Paulina and Urte. Always feel free to connect with us, together we can create beautiful things and dedicate ourselves to loving the skin… and the clothes we’re in.


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