Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Rattan Bench Halo
Rattan Bench Halo
SFr. 580.00

Rattan Bench Halo

Our collection of benches are entirely handmade by skilled artisans using sturdy teak woods and natural handwoven materials with the beautiful natural grains of the wood showing through light bohemian finishes. 
- Material: Teak Wood, Natural Cane
- Dimensions: 120" long x 40" depth x 50"high
- Handcrafted in Bali
* This item is unavailable for shipping at the moment. Store pick up (free) or delivery on request, additional costs for the delivery will be applied separately.

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