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moon rituals
Moon Rituals
SFr. 39.00

Moon Rituals


Moon Rituals are ancient practices that harness the powers of the moon to bring balance and harmony to one's life. Experience the benefits of these sacred ceremonies with Moon Rituals. Improve your overall well-being by incorporating this powerful and revered tradition into your daily routine.

1 Full Moon Bath Soak: In HOME Compostable bag with Charged Dead Sea Salts, Coconut Milk Powder, Epsom Salt, and Colloidal Oatmeal.
1 New Moon Bath Soak: In HOME Compostable bag with Charged Dead Sea Salts, Colloidal Oatmeal, Epsom Salt, & Lavender essential oil.
2 Palo Santo and Rose Incense Sticks
2 Pieces of Water Dissolvable Paper 1 Moonstone

How to Enjoy: Begin your ritual by using Rose Palo Santo to cleanse your space and instill peace and balance. The Full Moon is for reflection and releasing what no longer serves you. The New Moon is for setting intentions. Write down either what you wish to let go of, or the intentions you're setting.

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