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Classic Beeswax Taper
Classic Beeswax Taper
Classic Beeswax Taper
Classic Beeswax Taper
Classic Beeswax Taper
Classic Beeswax Taper
SFr. 9.50

Classic Beeswax Taper


Classic beeswax tapers in regular diameter. They should fit any basic candle holder you have at home. 

Candles are handmade by local workshop in Lithuania using local beeswax. 

For even burning place a candle in a straight position in a still environment. Always take cautions when burning candles, do not leave them unattended!

- Burn time of each candle: 9-10 hours 
- 100% pure beeswax, 100% cotton wick
- 2,2 cm diameter, 23 cm long  
- 1 or 2 units in a set


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