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Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
Starry Night Necklace in Gold
SFr. 49.00

SFr. 99.00

Starry Night Necklace in Gold


We could look at a sky full of stars forever! That's why we captured some of the prettiest stars out there on this pendant. So you can get that little rush of looking at the stars whenever you want. Do you see the shiny detail we added?

- Material: gold plated brass and zirconia
- Measurments: 8 mm width x 25 mm long
- Handmade in Bali

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