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Rose Quartz Yoni Wand
SFr. 210.00

Rose Quartz Yoni Wand


Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart and increases feelings of self-love, self-esteem, and love for others.

- The Rose Quartz Wand is especially suitable for women who want to open themselves to the beauty of intimacy and sensuality and fill their whole bodies with loving energy.
- The wand can help to release unexpected emotions and trauma and heal painful thought and behavior patterns. The Rose Quartz also makes you more receptive through its heart-opening effect, allowing you to accept new life situations with more ease and acceptance.
- Above all, the Rose Quartz strengthens your self-love and reminds you how precious and perfect you are – right now. It promotes forgiveness and acceptance and strengthens your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you use the Rose Quartz Wand in pairs with your partner, the loving energy is especially strengthened by the crystal.
- Size: 17.5cm length, 4.00cm width at the end and 2.20cm width at the top.

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