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Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali
SFr. 10.00

Donation - BaliLife’s Community Center in Bali

the stories has always believed in community. Making an impact and growing our community here in Luzern has been such a foundation for us to create inspiring experiences for our customers. We know that when people come together with heart and passion, beautiful things can unfold...

This is why we are so happy to share our new Social Project, supporting BaliLife’s mission of bringing hope to the children and families of the Suwung Community Center, Children Home or Street Centre & Womens Workshop in Bali.

Our mission with the stories Social Impact Project Bali, is to gather cash donations to support the families so that we can directly purchase goods and supplies that are most needed for them. In addition, we would love to establish and grow pottery workshops for the children in Bali so that they can continue to learn a craft which provides them useful skills and talents so that they can have the potential to realize a different future for themselves. We want to empower the children to dream big.

You can support our Social Impact Project with a voluntary cash donation.

Our mission is to gather cash donations to support the families, so we can directly purchase goods and supplies that are most needed.

What Happens with Your Donations?

Each quarter, the stories will consolidate your generous donations and purchase direct supplies and items for these centers.

We will track our efforts and share updates with you about the families through our newsletter and social platforms. 100% of your donations will go directly to the families.


We want to make it as easy and seamless as possible for you to make a contribution to our cause.

So we’ve created 3 ways which you can make a donation:

1. Add a Donation to Your Order - 
When shopping with us online, you will have the option at checkout to add a voluntary donation to your order in either a percent form or custom amount- it’s up to you!

2. Select a Fixed Amount - If you would simply like to donate directly, we also offer fixed amounts online for you to choose from. Simply select the value which you would like to donate and click “add to cart”.

3. Visit us Instore - You can also make a voluntary cash donation with us in store at the stories shop in Luzern. We would be more than happy to see you! 

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