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Lili Pepper

Since 2010, the name Lili Pepper has stood for re-interpretations of traditional handcraft, sustainable production and superb Swiss quality. Behind the name is a young woman with real flair for contemporary trends and ideas. She is known for her stylish and playful touches that strike a real chord with her customers. Franziska Carnevale was born and raised in Switzerland, studied in Berlin and Lucerne and began her career gaining valuable experience as a designer in Italy and Switzerland. In 2010 she set up her own Lili Pepper design studio, where she has been based ever since as a free-lance designer for international clients in the home textile and fashion industry.

The high-quality products of the Lili Pepper Collection are designed and produced in Switzerland and Bangalore, India. All of the prints and patterns are hand-drawn and finished with great attention to detail.

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