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Shakti Tourmaline Ring
Shakti Tourmaline Ring
Shakti Tourmaline Ring
SFr. 39.00

Shakti Tourmaline Ring


A stunning ring crafted from multi-coloured tourmaline gemstones, a true celebration of nature's beauty.

Tourmaline, a semi-precious gemstone, takes its name from the Sinhalese "turamali," meaning "mixed gems." It’s famous for its variety of colours, like black, green, blue, pink, and red. Tourmaline is valued not only for its beauty but also for its believed metaphysical properties, including protection, healing, and balance. Each colour has unique associations, with pink symbolizing love and green representing vitality. This makes tourmaline a popular choice in both jewellery and alternative medicine.

- Handmade in Bali by Komang
- Materials: Multi Tourmaline, Sterling Silver 925, 22k Gold Plating
- Stone Size: 3 mm

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