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Happy Maple

Not only is Happy Maple`s Syrup a 100% pure and delicious natural sweetener, but above all, Happy Maple is a brand that seeks to inspire its community. Through their work, they are working to achieve a healthier lifestyle and to acquire a more conscious and serene state of mind, to be kind to themselves and to live in harmony with nature. They also do their best to integrate maple syrup into their everyday lives in order to achieve a better standard of living in a simple and natural way. 

Happy Maple believes in swapping traditional sweeteners like sugar and honey for a sustainable, plant based, antioxidant rich and vegan alternative that just makes you HAPPY. ​100% pure and natural maple syrup, is a delight for all epicureans, athletes, lovers of healthy and gourmet cuisine. Authentic, unprocessed and free from coloring or preservatives, it is ideal for replacing sugar in a natural way in everyday cooking.
Unlike large industrially produced products which are blended and quick- boiled for optimal efficiency, all of their maple syrup is single-origin, and never blended. Our producer patiently boils down each batch for as long as it takes to ensure a high quality and flavour-rich experience.

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