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Poppy Bottle Stopper
Poppy Bottle Stopper
Poppy Bottle Stopper
Poppy Bottle Stopper
SFr. 18.00

Poppy Bottle Stopper

The bottle stopper is one of those products À la is very known for. It's playful design makes you want to leave the bottle on the table a little bit longer. Perfect as a gift, but maybe even better to keep for yourself.

  Shop our À La Collection here. 

- Material: 100% Recycled brass
- Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 6.5 cm
- Weight: 42 grams
- Care: Polish the brass from time to time with copper polish to keep its natural shine. Not suitable for the dishwasher. 

About the brass: Brass is a beautiful, gold colored alloy consisting of copper and zinc. At À la we only use 100% recycled brass made from old coins, pipes and factory waste material

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