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Peach Etched Selenite Tealight Candle Holder
Peach Etched Selenite Tealight Candle Holder
SFr. 55.00

SFr. 75.00

Peach Etched Selenite Tealight Candle Holder


Purify, cleanse, and add light to your space with this so stunning, handmade candle holder featured in a thick selenite crystal and pillar-shaped silhouette with celestial-inspired carving and a hole for a tea light.

Selenite is a very powerful healing crystal, it is named after the ancient Greek moon goddess Selene. Selenite is a spiritual stone that brings peace and tranquility by dispelling negativity with its protective force. Shift the energy to be more positive in your space with this glistening white healing crystal. 

Ethically sourced selenite candle holder from Morocco. Selenite is known to charge and cleanse crystals making it a perfect vessel to store your crystals in when there is no candle inside.

- Dimensions: 3" Height, Diameter 3"


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