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Bamboo Matcha Whisk 'Chasen'
Bamboo Matcha Whisk 'Chasen'
Bamboo Matcha Whisk 'Chasen'
Bamboo Matcha Whisk 'Chasen'
SFr. 19.00

Bamboo Matcha Whisk 'Chasen'

Designed specifically to prepare matcha, a whisk is called “chasen” (茶筅) in Japanese and is made of bamboo. It has been used for centuries in traditional tea ceremony. These whisks are hand-crafted using a small knife to delicately cut the bamboo into 80 fine prongs.

- Material: 100% bamboo
- How to use: move your whisk in a bowl in a ziz zag motion. Think a W or M shape. Keep whisking for at least 20 seconds until there is a nice froth and no clumps left.
- Care: make sure to clean your whisk after each use. Don’t put it in the dishwasher. Just use a bowl of warm water and whisk it gently. No need to use soap. Let it air dry properly by either putting it on a whisk holder or placing it upside down.

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