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Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)
SFr. 25.50

Naturrituale im Rhythmus des Jahres (DE)

Language: DE

Nothing is as reliable as nature. She always accepts you as you are. Strengthening the connection with this source of life is more important now than ever. Rituals in harmony with the natural rhythms are a powerful means of doing this.

In the latest book by Susana Garcia Ferreira, she introduce you to the wonderful symbolism and wisdom of nature month after month. Simple impulses and rituals should help you to immerse yourself in the respective quality and thus to connect with nature and its power. Because a bond with nature is always a bond with oneself. Here is a small excerpt of how the publisher describes my latest book:

  • FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER: Go straight to your core and find inner stability

  • FOR OUTER FULLNESS, INNER BEAUTY OR THE LOVE OF THE ANCESTORS: 19 mindful rituals lead you to yourself

  • IN TIMES OF SILENCE, TRANSITION OR CLEANSING: Recharge yourself with the power of nature - especially in an urban environment


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