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HANNAN - belly pillow apricot
HANNAN - belly pillow apricot
HANNAN - belly pillow apricot
SFr. 49.00

HANNAN - belly pillow apricot


HANNAN means soft and gentle in arabic.

this belly pillow is your new best friend if you need something warm and cozy.
it is the ideal companion when you’re feeling discomfort, especially during menstruation. it is made out of 100% natural fabrics and when you heat it up for 30 seconds at 30° you can enjoy comforting warmth for up to 30 minutes.

with its calming scent of lavender, it provides an all-around soothing experience.

material: front with silk-reyon velvet and back with tencel
filling: lavender and millet
color: soft apricot rose - orange
size pillow: 26cm x 18cm
weight: 140gramm
made by zahra and the women at al kawtar 

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