Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
Moon Pouch x Bali Life
SFr. 15.00

Moon Pouch x Bali Life


Our beautiful pouches are lovingly crafted from the scraps of our sun + her linen fabric collections, gathered over the years. These offcuts are repurposed and brought to the Bali Women Workshop (Bali Life), a social project we proudly support. The talented women there sew each pouch by hand, creating a unique and eco-friendly accessory. They are all unique unique. Surprise yourself with a one-of-a-kind accessory that tells a story of sustainability and empowerment.

- Material: linen offcuts, cotton offcuts, cotton, metal zipper
- Size: small , big
- Color: unique, colorful surprise :)


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