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Tealights Winter
Tealights Winter
SFr. 5.00

SFr. 12.00

Tealights Winter

A box of 10 clean, vegan, cruelty free handmade tealight candles by Babongo (NL) which are hand-cast in their studio.  Each box contains one glass tealight candle holder that can be used over again (and reduces waste). Leftover candle wax is easily removed by cleaning the holder in soapy water or scraping out the scraps. Rapeseed wax is biodegradable and can be disposed of in the green bin. 

- Dimensions: 1.5 cm high, 4 cm diameter
- Material: rapeseed wax, cotton wick with metal base
- Disposal:  Leftover candle wax is easily removed by cleaning the holder in soapy water or scraping out the scraps. Rapeseed wax is biodegradable and can be disposed of in the green bin. 

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