Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *

Ariana Ost

Ariana Ost is a design atelier based in New York City, whose mission is to elevate the everyday by creating decorative objects infused with soul, conviction and healing energy that become modern day heirlooms. they are inspired by a purpose to fill a whitespace in the wellness market for decor with a contemporary aesthetic and resonance with mindfulness. Each handcrafted item is sentimental and gives you the opportunity to create your own story. 

Ariana loves working with her Father Jack and her Maltipoo dog named London at their dreamy Flatiron Studio in NYC. In addition to being a female entrepreneur, Ariana is also a wife to her husband Eric and mother to her precious daughter Aurelie, and charming son Julian.

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