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Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé
Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé
Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé
Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé
Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé
SFr. 39.00

Keychain band (no carabiner)- ZAHRA marrakech rosé


ZAHRA is the name of the women, who founded the association.

These keychains are made out of moroccan ribbons called sfifa. Originally they are used for decorating traditional kaftans.

Developing from ‘sabra’ to ‘sfifa’ the threads are transformed step by step into keychains. The threads are braided into ribbons on the outskirts of marrakech using an antique machine. The keychains are produced by fatima and touriya from our women’s association in marrakech.

This color constellation is reminiscent of the colors of marrakech. the houses in marrakech were built from clay back then. Its color was pink. to this day, it is a rule that houses built in marrakech are painted in this color. To preserve the city's reputation: "marrakech the pink city".



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