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Yoni Egg Rosenquarz
Yoni Egg Rosenquarz
Yoni Egg Rosenquarz
Yoni Egg Rosenquarz
Yoni Egg Rosenquarz
SFr. 59.90

Yoni Egg Rosenquarz

Rose quartz is one of the most important healing stones and is often referred to as a love stone.
Mythology describes that rose quartz was brought to earth by Eros, the god of love, to give love to people. Rose quartz has always been considered a fertility stone and is a particularly important healing stone for the heart.
It is therefore often referred to as a love stone. Rose quartz is located near the heart chakra and helps to remove barriers and blocks to emotions, feelings and the giving and receiving of love.

Not sure which size to choose?
Here are a few tips
Please note: All of Yoni Eggs come with a Yoni Egg String (cord).

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