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Yoni Egg Amethyst
Yoni Egg Amethyst
Yoni Egg Amethyst
Yoni Egg Amethyst
SFr. 59.90

Yoni Egg Amethyst

Amethyst is one of the most healing crystals for the whole body and also one of the best stones for meditation and sleep. It radiates a calm and soothing energy that silences your thoughts and promotes your focus as well as your perception and intuition.
Amethyst is also emotionally centering and strengthening. Amethyst is also particularly good for sleeping because it soothes your thoughts. Amethyst can also help with lucid dreaming.
Not sure which size to choose?
Here are a few tips
Please note: All of Yoni Eggs come with a Yoni Egg String (cord).

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