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wellness tea
Wellness Tea
Wellness Tea
Wellness Tea
SFr. 16.00

Wellness Tea


Experience the benefits of our expertly crafted Wellness Tea. Made from carefully selected ingredients, this blend promotes relaxation and supports your overall well-being. Enjoy a soothing cup and feel rejuvenated.

Contains: 3 eco tea bags, 1 Topanga Canyon Honey Stick, 3-2.3g of Tea packaged in compostable packets. 

Tea: Elderberry Whole*, Echinacea Herb c/s*, Rose Hips c/s*, Nettle Leaf C/s*, & Eleuthero Root c/s*. (*organic)

Benefits: Whole Elberberry is high in antioxidants which may help boost the immune system, increase respiratory health, and lower inflammation; Echinacea Herb may help shorten the duration of the common cold and flu, and reduce symptoms such as sore throat (pharyngitis), cough, and fever; Nettle leaf is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties; Eleuthero Root helps strengthen the immune system and helps fight viruses that cause the common cold as well as the flu.

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