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Meet the Brand | Circle Soaps

Getting To Know Emma

Favourite Music?
nstrumental, something chilled and in the background

Morning rituals? I must start the day with an English cup of tea! Then a short dog walk, fresh air is the best way to wake up, especially in Winter!

Favourite drinks? Tea of all kinds, except rooibos ;)

Favourite self care ritual? Lately it's been ending the day with a good book and a candle (I have spent the last year testing recipes so have had lots to burn!)

We’ll never catch you without: My dog. She comes everywhere with me.

Guilty pleasure: Chocolate, especially from Kürzi Kakao.

You’ll never get tired of: Nature. You can walk in the same place every day and it's always different. 

Your current state of mind: Peaceful

Where you’d like to live for a year: Ooh, such a good (and hard) question! I think Canada. It's like a big Switzerland, so many landscapes to explore and the Canadian people are always so friendly.

Watching anything? Recently watched "Self Made" on Netflix and loved it

Your greatest extravagance: Taking time out when I need it

Most treasured possession: My bed. Life is too short not to have a ridiculously comfortable bed to get into every night!

Talent you’d most like to have: Being able to learn new languages easily would be awesome!

Favourite way to relax? Gardening. I have an allotment where I grow flowers for the soaps and also try to grow as much fruit and veg as possible. It's a stress distractor.

Vintage or new? Vintage. I love old things.

We love their incredible smelling, handmade, cold process soaps with organic and only plant-based ingredients. Their passion is to provide excellent soaps and to ensure that they are good for our health and the environment through every part of the manufacturing process. Plus, they are making our store smell incredible <3
"It is important for us to give our customers not only a zero waste product but ensure them that they are buying from a company that does their best to keep any waste to an absolute minimum and keep their impact on our planet as low as possible, throughout the whole supply chain and production process. Even the equipment we use is as sustainable as possible. For example, our soap moulds are made from FSC wood and lined with biodegradable paper. Even the gloves we use for soap making are made from natural rubber which is fully compostable." - Circle Soaps

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