Fasnacht Magic! ⋆·˚ ༘ * 15% off everything – no code needed! Offer ends Sunday, March 2 ⋆·˚ ༘ *

OVO Things at Blickfang Design Fair Basel

As the official distributor of OVO Things we're very excited to be part
of the Blickfang Design Fair this Spring.
Stop by to visit us, say hi and see the newest color of the Canele Candle Holder live! 

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th of May 2022
Halle 1
Event Halle Basel
Messeplatz, Basel
FRI | 6 May 14.00 – 20.00 
SAT | 7 May 11.00 – 19.00 
SUN | 8 May 11.00 – 18.00 
If you would like to get a free ticket please send us an Email, but we have only limited quantity available :)

Otherwise you can get yours here.

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